Thank you so much for having me Corinne!

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I love these style questionnaires. Thank you, Corinne and Dacy.

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I want the outfit with the Rachel Comey top. The whole outfit. I was taught that coveting is not a good thing, but today I must own it. Great interview.

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I love those definitions to flattering/unflattering. I’ve been struggling to give people a quick snapshot of why I don’t consider “flattering” to automatically be a compliment (much like having to explain why commenting on someone losing weight isn’t a compliment). This will be helpful!

And that bag would have been a huge loss. It’s so fun!

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Having the right words at hand is so important in those moments, glad it helped!

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I love Dacy! I love reading about celebrity fashion, and Go Fug Yourself and Tom and Lorenzo have been some of my favorite blogs for 20 years but the price points for myself are so much lower but I like to see people who have great style too. I feel like for myself, I’m usually dressing to be comfortable in athleisure or flowy dresses but a friend reminded me yesterday that I used to wear very structured pieces and carry leather tote bags when I was a new attorney about 10 years ago. This was a fun questionnaire, I appreciate the discussion of dressing a body you don’t recognize, I was within the same size range for about 10 years prior to having kids and it has been kind of jarring since I had my oldest in 2017.

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"Jarring" is a great description

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